
Tell Your Story

Video is the number one preferred platform to communicate your message. People don't google things anymore, they YouTube them.

Hello, here is the face behind the name!
I am Tom Hamilton the founder of TCH Creative, that's me in the photo up there.

I am a content creator based in Peeblesshire, Scotland. With years of experience within the video marketing industry. I worked for multiple years with an established Video Marketing company based in Glasgow, working on a range of various projects with various clients. Covering corporate, charity, events, promotional, construction, real estate, educational, behind the scenes, vlogs and nearly every other kind of video campaign you can think of. I have captured great content and produced creative video internationally for some incredible organisations including world renowned brands and blue chip companies.  I have now taken all this experience, moved back home to where it all began and built my own business to help you with all your video based needs.

Before anything else I am a story teller, yes I am a videographer and yes I am an editor, but I believe the magic is in story. I can take your idea, business or project and build engaging, emotive content through story. By discovering who you are as an individual or business, and what your brand means, I can create story led engaging content to help you sell your product, increase brand awareness, or capture the moments that mean the most.

Video is the most effective platform to market your business and communicate your message. Here's some stats to back this up.

59% of executives say they would rather watch a video than read text

This is a prominent theme across our growing world. People prefer video to written text. They want information, they want it fast and you better hope you have an engaging video for them, otherwise they won’t give your business the time it deserves to discover what you’re all about. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text.

Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and image content combined

People engage with video a lot more than they do with text and images combined. People don’t want to have to work to understand and comprehend your message. Let’s give them a story which they can watch, they can tell and they will share with their friends. 

Give us a call or email and see what we can do to help you grow.